zeke chatting about haeranga

 hello enrich! I am going to be talking about the haeranga today so lets get into it baby!

so we started off the day normal like usual and blah blah blah... then we we finished we got our own number for the day on the bus. I was 7. after that ryder got his tiny camera to do a bit of filming for our video and yea. we made some stops at the maori centers such as kaituna river, tia and hei, more filming again and remember do not forget our video...or else.... so anyway my favorite time of the intire trip was the big walk up the hill! it was like the best view ever and i can not imagine. as well we were 100% protected from floods and tsunamis. the walk was not even long to get up.. it was 10 minutes. and yea of course more filming. and the last but not least the street by the new world. we had some glass coffin's of mixed countries art work. also miss stowell made the one with england and india. then to finish it off we had a play on the playground.. i hope you guys liked my chat of the haeranga catch me next time on my blog 

bye guys
