
Showing posts from June, 2022

Disco Photos.stock4

 Hello and here are the disco photos and if you want to know INFO please  Click Here

Art Gallery Photos.

  Hello everyone and today i am going to be showing you the art gallery trip photos.  We got an option to visit @Andrew Beck or @Robin White. And of course i picked @Robin White, She was famous for screen printed art witch is like a copy template of ink. This is me and my group with, Ella, Maddie, Balraj. Anyway we were trying to make our own screen printed art with a shape of a boat, Whare, Leaf. and it turned out pretty good but sadly i can not show you what it did turn out like, because it had to stay at the art gallery and stuff. Lets move on Now this is the inking part for our art that is on the brown paper. This is almost everyone in the @Robin Harison group. But expect for the people that hates photography. We had a good time doing this.

University Of Waikato Photos.

  After a introduction witch sadly we can not show. We had a tour around the waikato university and here is a photo of enrich. You can see me in the front. Oh and by the way we had to wear masks around the waikato because the COVID-19 is still hanging around in New Zealand. And here is another photo we took.  


 and here they are Max = Curious about every actions and loves to dance Charlie = Enjoys helping others and loves to eat Timmy = Works out at the gym and loves to play football Michael = Smart and enjoys doing math and loves Studying Lisa = Happy and cuddles little children for fun and loves to play

invest plan and myself have been researching about who has the fastest reaction do you think you can beat my highscore 117ms? we will find out click here if you wanna play.  Human Benchmark - Reaction Time Test  bet you can not neat me. anyway we will have a pie chart at the end of ALL results showing in photostock if you want to have a go please Reaction Time Test - Google Slides  slide 3

MATARIKI animation.mp4


matariki star shirt

 template 24over